'Summer Holiday' the band - news kids on the block

There I was, walking up the street on my way to the bus stop to go home, feeling miserable on a beautiful sunny Saturday afternoon. The day before I found out I didn't get the scholarship I needed to do my MSc in Social Anthropology at UCL. I was feeling pretty shit!! And there they were, sitting on top of a car jamming! Somehow they managed to put a smile on my face straight away! Bang! Just like that my day turned around. Little did I know this was the beggining of an AMASING WEEKEND!! The power of music.

As I stopped in the middle of the ussle & bussle of Brixton to listen, my smile just didn't go away!!! (just thinking about it now makes me smile!).They have a wicked vibe: fresh, sincere, chicky. (are you droolling yet guys?!) Check them out here. Take the time to go to their space at 'myspace' and listen to their music. You then will have a glimpse of an idea. As far as I'm concerned they're in the path of ascention and they are the next BIG British band to rock the world!
Oh, Ms London Alive. You made our weekend ace.
Blessed to meet you.
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